Zephaniah 1:4-11 — "The God Who Has No Equal"

Mar 17, 2025    Matt Korff

In this Bible study, the speaker focuses on Zephaniah 1:4-11, which outlines God's judgment against Judah and Jerusalem for their idolatry, particularly their worship of Baal and Molech. Zephaniah prophesies that God will utterly destroy the remnants of idol worship, including idolatrous priests and those who once worshiped the Lord but have since turned away. The speaker compares this prophecy to the reforms of King Josiah in 2 Kings 23, where Josiah purged the land of pagan practices and destroyed idols, reflecting God's judgment as described in Zephaniah. The study also highlights the repeated mention of the "Day of the Lord" in Zephaniah, a day of judgment characterized by destruction, sacrifice, and punishment for those who engage in pagan worship and violence. Despite the severity of this judgment, the speaker points to the hope found in Christ, who provides a "hiding place" for believers who trust in Jesus, shielding and hiding them from the wrath to come on that Day.