Genesis 2:18-25 — "Man & Woman: Unified, One by Design"

Mar 16, 2025    Pastor Duane Miller

The sermon explores Genesis 2:18-25, focusing on God's creation of man and woman for unity and oneness .

Genesis 1:1-2:4 highlights God's intentionality in creating woman, akin to the acts of creation.

The inclusion of "LORD or Yahweh" indicates a covenantal relationship being established with both man and woman .

God's Intent and Functionality 

God's statement "It is not good for man to be alone" is contextualized within the instructions given in Genesis 1:27 to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and govern it. God's plan was for male and female image bearers to be unified in purpose, achieving functionality together.

Defining "Helper" (Ezer Knegdo) 

The Hebrew phrase "ezer knegdo" is explored, noting that "ezer" (helper) does not imply a subordinate role, as it is often used to describe God meeting needs humans cannot. "Knegdo" means "according to the opposite of him," indicating that the woman's form and nature match and complement the man's .

God's Creation of the Indispensable Companion 

The sermon uses the imagery of God forming animals from the ground, emphasizing the joy and delight in creation. It references C.S. Lewis's depiction of the creation of Narnia to illustrate the imaginative aspect of engaging with the text .

The Naming Process and the Reveal 

The process of the man naming the animals, highlighting the depth of understanding and definition involved in Hebrew names, accentuated the absence of a suitable helper. The naming of the animals season accentuated that the man’s indispensable companion was not yet part of creation.

Details of the Creation 

The Hebrew word "tardemah," meaning "deep sleep," suggests a God-induced sleep accompanied by a vision or preparation for a major change. The Hebrew word "tsela," often translated as "rib," is more accurately understood as "side," indicating that woman was made from Adam's side.

Adam's Response and the Meaning of "Woman" 

Adam's immediate response, "At last," signifies the end of his search and the beginning of a new unity.

Adam's description of the woman as "bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh" represents deep relational family bonds, oneness, shared identity, and belonging.

Unity and Oneness 

The phrase "naked, but they felt no shame" signifies innocence, integrity, and the beautiful unity of the horizontal relationship between man and woman.