December Building Renovation Update


This week the construction crews have started the hard work of transitioning our front ramp to the west side of the building. This will allow them to demo the front to make way for our new street-level entrance! Check this out: 
While this construction occurs on the front of the building, the front steps and doors will be blocked off for everyone’s safety. We would like to remind everyone of the NEW four corner entry doors and ramp available every Sunday morning. They will be marked with entrance flags and friendly door greeters.
During the week, the main entrance will be door #1, or the Northwest Door (formerly the True Life Door) - this will be right next to the newly located ramp, available on Sundays and as needed. For Wednesday Night’s Kingdom Kids - Please enter through the new Kid Ministry Door (#2), at the Northeast side of the building.
If you have any questions about how to enter the building for your bible study or group, please feel free to reach out to your group leader directly, or Dana Ramos at

As always, we appreciate your prayers, grace, and support as we go through this together!

Calvary Chapel Lebanon
Here is a quick tour of the four new entrance doors: 




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